2011 Update on Egg Allergy and Flu Vaccine

egg allergy and flu vaccine (via KFA)

Food Allergic Kids | School Resources

No matter if it's daycare or college, sending your child off to school is tough for any parent — especially those with food-allergic children. From creating a Section 504 Plan to communicating early on with teachers and school nurses, planning is essential. KFA provides you with the resources your child needs to guarantee a successful (and safe) school year.

2nd Annual FAAN Walk for Food Allergies-Portland ME

Save the Date: 2nd Annual FAAN Walk for Food Allergies
Saturday, October 1, 2011  1:00
Payson Park, Portland ME

Register to Walk:
The Food Allergy & Anaphylaxis Network Walk for Food Allergy:

On Facebook:

Visit us at the address below and select LIKE and join our page

Food Allergy Awareness Week - FAAN

Mark your calendars! Food Allergy Awareness Week is May 8-14
Look for school presntations, PAL Hero awards and more on FAAN's web site.

Food Allergy Awareness Week - FAAN